

When registering new models you can optionally pass in an instance of ORMConfig which allows to define a few settings including the ORM's default behavior. In this guide we want to introduce you to all the options available.

Available Options

The api follows a builder pattern so you can join all your options

Table Prefix

Every table name gets prefixed with this string. This allows to have multiple instances of your application running on the same database. By default this value is empty.

new ORMConfig().setTablePrefix("app1_");

Convert camelCase field names to snake_case

While you want to use camel-case in Java, you often want to have your database in snake-case. This option automatically converts field names from camel-case to snake-case. This feature is enabled by default.

new ORMConfig().setCamelToSnakeCase(false);

Default Size

This determines the default size for string like columns. It defaults to 0 which uses TEXT instead of a VARCHAR of the given length.

new ORMConfig().setDefaultSize(255);

ID Primary Key

You often want your id field to be the primary key of the table. This feature is enabled by default and can be disabled.

new ORMConfig().setIdPrimaryKey(false);

ID Auto Increment

When you are using a long as primary key field this settings sets those to be auto incremented by default.

Adding type mappers

You can also add your own using the ORMConfig. Read more about type mapping here

new ORMConfig().addTypeMapper(new CustomTypeMapper());

Passing the config

Once you got your config done you can pass it into the register call.

ORMConfig config = new ORMConfig()
ORM.register(MyModel.class, connection, config);

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