API Reference


Method Description
setBaseUrl(String baseUrl) Sets a base url that will be prepended to any path
authentication(String type, String value) Sets the Authentication header
bearer(String token) Sets the Authentication header (Alias for authentication("Bearer", token))
basicAuth(String username, String password) Sets the Authentication header (Basic)
setSSLVerification(booolean verification) Allows to disable ssl verification to allow self-signed or expired certificates
timeout(int timeout) Defines the request timeout in ms. Defaults to 5000 (5 seconds)
query(String key, String value) Adds query parameter to all requests
header(String key, String... values) Adds header to all requests
cookie(HttpCookie cookie) Adds a cookie to all requests
removeCookie(String name) Removes a cookie
autoCookies() Enabled the auto-cookies feature which automatically sets cookies sent by the server
request(String method, String path) Starts a new request of the given method
get(String path) Starts a new GET request
post(String path) Starts a new POST request
post(String path, Object body) Starts a new POST request with a body
put(String path) Starts a new PUT request
put(String path, Object body) Starts a new PUT request with a body
delete(String path) Starts a new DELETE request
abstractMapper(AbstractMapper mapper) Set a custom instance of AbstractMapper
before(BeforeRequestInterceptor interceptor) Set an interceptor to add more specfic parameters to requests
debug() Enabled debugging which prints the exceptions on bad requests
isDebug() Check if debugging is enabled


Method Description
authentication(String type, String value) Sets the Authentication header
bearer(String token) Sets the Authentication header (Alias for authentication("Bearer", token))
basicAuth(String username, String password) Sets the Authentication header (Basic)
query(String key, String value) Adds query parameter to all requests
header(String key, String... values) Adds header to all requests
cookie(HttpCookie cookie) Adds a cookie to all requests
removeCookie(String name) Removes a cookie
contentType(String contentType) Sets the Content-Type header
body(byte[] body) Sets the request body
body(String body) Sets the request body
jsonBody(Object object) Sets the request body and content type to application/json
jsonBodyElement(AbstractElement object) Sets the request body and content type to application/json
formBody(Object query) Sets the request body and content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
formBodyString(QueryString query) Sets the request body and content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
formBodyString(String query) Sets the request body and content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
execute() Executes the request manually
status() Returns the http status code
bytes() Returns the http response as byte[]
string() Returns the http response as String
data() Returns the http response as AbstractElement (see AbstractData library)
object(Class type) Coerces the http response into the given type
header(String key) Returns the first entry's value of the header
headers(String key) Returns the values of all entries of the header
cookie(String name) Returns the cookie with the given name
cookies() Returns all response cookies

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