API Reference
Method | Description |
setBaseUrl(String baseUrl) |
Sets a base url that will be prepended to any path |
authentication(String type, String value) |
Sets the Authentication header |
bearer(String token) |
Sets the Authentication header (Alias for authentication("Bearer", token) ) |
basicAuth(String username, String password) |
Sets the Authentication header (Basic) |
setSSLVerification(booolean verification) |
Allows to disable ssl verification to allow self-signed or expired certificates |
timeout(int timeout) |
Defines the request timeout in ms. Defaults to 5000 (5 seconds) |
query(String key, String value) |
Adds query parameter to all requests |
header(String key, String... values) |
Adds header to all requests |
cookie(HttpCookie cookie) |
Adds a cookie to all requests |
removeCookie(String name) |
Removes a cookie |
autoCookies() |
Enabled the auto-cookies feature which automatically sets cookies sent by the server |
request(String method, String path) |
Starts a new request of the given method |
get(String path) |
Starts a new GET request |
post(String path) |
Starts a new POST request |
post(String path, Object body) |
Starts a new POST request with a body |
put(String path) |
Starts a new PUT request |
put(String path, Object body) |
Starts a new PUT request with a body |
delete(String path) |
Starts a new DELETE request |
abstractMapper(AbstractMapper mapper) |
Set a custom instance of AbstractMapper |
before(BeforeRequestInterceptor interceptor) |
Set an interceptor to add more specfic parameters to requests |
debug() |
Enabled debugging which prints the exceptions on bad requests |
isDebug() |
Check if debugging is enabled |
Method | Description |
authentication(String type, String value) |
Sets the Authentication header |
bearer(String token) |
Sets the Authentication header (Alias for authentication("Bearer", token) ) |
basicAuth(String username, String password) |
Sets the Authentication header (Basic) |
query(String key, String value) |
Adds query parameter to all requests |
header(String key, String... values) |
Adds header to all requests |
cookie(HttpCookie cookie) |
Adds a cookie to all requests |
removeCookie(String name) |
Removes a cookie |
contentType(String contentType) |
Sets the Content-Type header |
body(byte[] body) |
Sets the request body |
body(String body) |
Sets the request body |
jsonBody(Object object) |
Sets the request body and content type to application/json |
jsonBodyElement(AbstractElement object) |
Sets the request body and content type to application/json |
formBody(Object query) |
Sets the request body and content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
formBodyString(QueryString query) |
Sets the request body and content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
formBodyString(String query) |
Sets the request body and content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
execute() |
Executes the request manually |
status() |
Returns the http status code |
bytes() |
Returns the http response as byte[] |
string() |
Returns the http response as String |
data() |
Returns the http response as AbstractElement (see AbstractData library) |
object(Class type) |
Coerces the http response into the given type |
header(String key) |
Returns the first entry's value of the header |
headers(String key) |
Returns the values of all entries of the header |
cookie(String name) |
Returns the cookie with the given name |
cookies() |
Returns all response cookies |