Using the ORM
In the Using Controllers section you've learned how to setup and use the HTTP-Server and create routes. Now you'll learn how to retrieve data from a database using the ORM. To make things simple we'll assume that you use MySQL/MariaDB, so we need to include the database driver in our pom.xml
You might want to head over to the drivers section in case you don't want to use MySQL.
After that we can start to instantiate the MySQL implementation and an ORMConfig.
SQL sql = new MySQL(
"localhost", // The database host name
3306, // The database port
"guide", // The database name
"root", // The database user
"" // The database password
Don't forget to create the database before or the connection will fail.
ORMConfig ormConfig = new ORMConfig()
.setDefaultSize(255); // override the default VARCHAR size
As a next step we will create an abstract parent class just as we done for the Controller before, you can also skip this step, but its our recommended approach, so you can have all sorts of utilities available in all your models.
public abstract class Model extends org.javawebstack.orm.Model {
// Add common methods to all your models
We can then put everything together and let the auto-discovery do the job for us.
ORM.register(Model.class.getPackage(), sql, ormConfig):
Make sure that you've imported the Model class we created before or the ORM won't find your models.
Creating a Model
Now we can start creating model classes for the data we want to work with.
public class User extends Model {
private int id;
@Column(size = 50)
private String name;
You might notice the Column
annotation above each field of our new User
model class. Those tell the ORM that those are columns in the database, giving you the ability to have unpersisted data in your models. You can also see the size
parameter above the name
, which will override the VARCHAR
size or even switch to types like TEXT
, there are also a few more options you can explore here.
Auto Migration
While it might seem easy to just rely on auto migrations from the ORM, you should probably use the better approach of writing the migrations for the tables yourself and use a tool like FlywayDB, which also has a pretty good Maven integration.
And thats it! The ORM will create the tables with all declared columns for you.
Creating data
User user = new User();
You should now have a new table row in your database. Note that we didn't specify an id
as the ORM will auto increment when using ints/longs and UUIDs if you rather want to have String keys.
Retrieving data
Now that we created a user in the database we also want to e.g. get all users or search by name. For this we will access the Repo
of our User
List<User> users = Repo.get(User.class).all();
The List will now be populated with all users in the database.
Of course we can also create more complex queries and search our User
by name
User user = Repo.get(User.class).where("name", "example").first();
This query will do two things, first it will make a where statement to select users with the name being example
. Second it will also limit the query to 1 result and give only one back, as you can see by the return type. You can find more about our powerful query builder here.